Home Drug Tests from Walmart

Walmart carries over a dozen home kits including home kit, fertility kit, wellness kit, home mold kit, water kit, STD kit, and Alcohol breath kit, to name a few.
Their home is capable of testing up to seven most common drugs, such as Cocaine (cocaine & benzoylecgonine), Marijuana, Opiates (Codeine, Morphine and 6 monacteyl morphine), Methamphetamine, (Meth/amphetamine & Ecstasy), and Phencyclidine (PCP). The test detects for the presence drugs for up to 90-days following usage. Among the brands of home drug test kits you'll find on Walmart are HairConfirm and First Check, with affordable prices ranging from $12 to $50.
These home drug test kits typically include instruction booklet, specimen ID card, specimen collection device, and pre-paid shipping. When followed according to instructions, the home drug test kits offered on Walmart provide accurate and reliable results in just a few days.
Walmart offers "Site to Store" and "Ship to Home" options when ordering home drug test kits online. The "Site to Store" option entitles you with FREE Shipping to any Walmart Store. Simply order a home drug test kit that has "Site to Store" logo and you'll receive an email telling you your order is ready for pick up at the Walmart store near your location. If you don't want the hassle of driving down to a Walmart store you may choose the "Ship to Home" option for your home drug test kit order.
If you are looking for instant drug testing without lab verification it can be a lot cheaper to just order an at home drug test.
Walmart is great for one off, but for larger orders for businesses (25 or more) TestCountry offers the following great choices:
- 5 Panel SalivaConfirm Premium Saliva Drug Test
- 5 Panel DrugConfirm CLIA Urine Drug Test Cup
- 12 Panel DrugConfirm CLIA Urine Drug Test Cup
By purchasing drug testing kits in bulk from TestCountry, you can get high quality, CLIA certified drug testing solutions while paying much less per unit than purchasing in retail stores. TestCountry provides a large variety of drug tests detecting anywhere from 5-14 drugs of abuse and prescription drugs to suit any drug testing program. Choose us along with the hundreds of other small businesses and save money while testing with the same reliability as laboratory drug tests.